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Date : 2016-08-30
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Vietnam War Facts Battles Pictures Videos ~ The Vietnam War pitted communist North Vietnam and the Viet Cong against South Vietnam and the United States The war ended when forces withdrew in 1973 and Vietnam unified under Communist control two years later
Vietnam War Facts Summary Casualties Combatants ~ Vietnam War 1954–75 a protracted conflict that pitted the communist government of North Vietnam and its allies in South Vietnam known as the Viet Cong against the government of South Vietnam and its principal ally the United States
Vietnam War Wikipedia ~ The Vietnam War Vietnamese Chiến tranh Việt Nam also known as the Second Indochina War and in Vietnam as the Resistance War Against America Vietnamese Kháng chiến chống Mỹ or simply the American War was a conflict in Vietnam Laos and Cambodia from 1 November 1955 to the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975
Vietnam War ~ The Vietnam War was the longest in history until the Afghanistan War 20022014 The war was extremely divisive in the Europe Australia and elsewhere Because the failed to achieve a military victory and the Republic of South Vietnam was ultimately taken over by North Vietnam the Vietnam experience became known as “the
Vietnam War Army Center Of Military History ~ Seven Firefights in Vietnam Army Counterinsurgency and Contingency Operations Doctrine 19421976 The Role of Federal Military Forces in Domestic Disorders 19451992
What Everyone Should Know About the Vietnam War ~ The Vietnam War was the prolonged struggle between nationalist forces attempting to unify the country of Vietnam under a communist government and the United States with the aid of the South Vietnamese attempting to prevent the spread of communism
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