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Date : 2002-01-01
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Reads or Downloads The Apollo 13 Mission: Surviving an Explosion in Space (Space Missions) Now
The Apollo 13 Mission Surviving an Explosion in Space ~ There are many books available on Americas lunar space flights for this age group such as Michael Coles Apollo 13 Space Emergency and Apollo 11 First Moon Landing both Enslow 1995 and Barbara Hehners fine First on the Moon Hyperion 2000 Elaine Fort Weischedel Franklin Public Library
Danger in Space Surviving the Apollo 13 ~ Soaring through space at 25000 per hour APOLLO 13 was on course for the Moon Suddenly the three astronauts aboard the spacecraft heard a loud bang A strong vibration rumbled through the crew cabin There had been an explosion in the oxygen tank More than 200000 miles from Earth APOLLO 13 was in grave danger
Apollo 13 NASA ~ The LM navigation system wasnt designed to help in this situation Before the explosion at 30 hours 40 minutes Apollo 13 had made the normal midcourse correction which would take it out of a freereturntoEarth trajectory and put it on a lunar landing course Now the task was to get back on a freereturn course
How Apollo 13s Dangerous Survival Mission ~ On April 11 1970 NASA launched the Apollo 13 mission to send three astronauts to the moon and mark the third manned lunar landing The mission aimed to send commander Jim Lovell and lunar module pilot Fred Haise to the lunar surface while command module pilot Jack Swigert remained in orbit
Apollo 13 Disaster What Happened To Apollo 13 ~ The Apollo 13 astronauts remain the farthest that any human has gone into space as they have orbited the dark side of the moon At the right escape point they turned on their boosters which allowed them to slingshot out of the moon’s orbit and gave them a velocity which propelled them towards Earth
In Depth Apollo 13 – NASA Solar System Exploration ~ Fast Facts Apollo 13 Apollo 13s mission was to explore the hilly upland Fra Mauro region of the Moon This was not to be When an oxygen tank aboard the service module exploded it ended hopes of a lunar landing
Apollo 13 Wikipedia ~ Apollo 13 was the seventh crewed mission in the Apollo space program and the third meant to land on the Moon The craft was launched from Kennedy Space Center on April 11 1970 but the lunar landing was aborted after an oxygen tank in the service module SM failed two days into the mission
Apollo 13 AS508 National Air and Space Museum ~ Apollo 13 was to be the third mission to land on the Moon An explosion in one of the oxygen tanks crippled the spacecraft during flight and the crew were forced to orbit the Moon and return to the Earth without landing
Apollo 13 Facts About NASAs NearDisaster Space ~ The Apollo 13 mission stretched the capabilities of astronauts Jim Lovell Jack Swigert and Fred Haise and the people at Mission Control working to rescue them
The Apollo Missions NASA ~ The boosters for the program were the Saturn IB for Earth orbit flights and the Saturn V for lunar flights Apollo was a threepart spacecraft the command module CM the crews quarters and flight control section the service module SM for the propulsion and spacecraft support systems when together
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