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Date : 1995-01-01
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Sea turtle Wikipedia ~ Sea turtles superfamily Chelonioidea sometimes called marine turtles are reptiles of the order Testudines and of the suborder seven existing species of sea turtles are the green sea turtle loggerhead sea turtle Kemps ridley sea turtle olive ridley sea turtle hawksbill sea turtle flatback sea turtle and leatherback sea turtle
sea turtle Description Species Habitat Facts ~ Sea turtle any of seven species of marine turtles belonging to the families Dermochelyidae leatherback sea turtles and Cheloniidae green turtles flatback sea turtles loggerhead sea turtles hawksbills and ridleys Both families are highly aquatic and most species only appear on coastal beaches for egg laying
Sea turtles facts and information Animals ~ Sea turtles make incredibly long migrations between feeding and breeding areas The leatherback travels an average of 3700 miles each way Sea turtles mate at sea then come ashore on beaches to
Sea Turtles Defenders of Wildlife ~ There are seven species of sea turtle that inhabit the Earth’s oceans loggerhead leatherback green turtle hawksbill Kemp’s ridley olive ridley and flatback Except for the flatback all species occur in North American waters and are listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act Airbreathing reptiles that have been around for 110 million years sea turtles
Sea Turtles NOAA Fisheries ~ Sea turtles with their streamlined bodies and large flippers are welladapted to life in the ocean Six sea turtle species are found in waters all of which are listed and protected under the Endangered Species Act We work with our partners to imp
Sea Turtle Species WWF ~ Sea turtles journey between land and sea and swim thousands of ocean miles during their long lifetimes They wait decades until they can reproduce returning to the same beaches where they were born to lay their eggs
Sea Turtles National Wildlife Federation ~ Conservation All sea turtles are threatened or face an uncertain future due to threats of many kinds including pollution and the encroachment of coastal development on their nesting beaches They are also susceptible to accidental drowning in fishing gear and are at risk from the international trade in turtle meat and shell products
Sea Turtle Facts — SEE Turtles ~ Sea Turtle Facts From leatherbacks to loggerheads six of the seven species of sea turtles are threatened or endangered at the hand of the fact is that they face many dangers as they travel the seas — including accidental capture and entanglement in fishing gear also known as bycatch the loss of nesting and feeding sites to coastal development poaching and ocean pollution
Facts About Sea Turtles Live Science The Most ~ Sea turtles also called marine turtles look like regular turtles but have flippers instead of legs They have been on Earth for more than 100 million years according to the World Wildlife
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