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Date : 2012-07-01
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Rating : 5.0
Reviews : 4
Category : Book

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The Wing Wing Brothers Math Spectacular Ethan Long ~ The five wacky Wing Wing brothers Willy Woody Walter Wilmer and Wendell take young readers through math exercises in the form of circuslike acts They juggle plates and pies and hide in a wooden box via a series of activities designed to get youngsters interested and to understand addition and subtraction
The Wing Wing Brothers Math Spectacular by Ethan Long ~ The nonfiction text I selected The Wing Wing Brothers Math Spectacular portrays the circus act of balancing plates The book uses words numbers and mathematical symbols to introduce the concepts of greater than less than equal to addition and subtraction
The Wing Wing Brothers Math Spectacular by Ethan Long ~ Ethan Longs first book about the Wing Wing brothers The Wing Wing Brothers Math Spectacular was called painless comical and yes spectacular in a starred review from Kirkus Reviews Publishers Weekly said of the second in the series The Wing Wing Brothers Carnival de Math Long makes each concept clear in his comicsstyle panels
THE WING WING BROTHERS MATH SPECTACULAR by Ethan Long ~ The vaudevillian Wing Wing Brothers’ attempts to outdo and upstage each other are sure to cause some giggles…and ideally some math learning as well Act 1 is all about comparing amounts and introduces children to the equal lessthan and greaterthan signs
The Wing Wing Brothers Math Spectacular – Holiday House ~ View details about The Wing Wing Brothers Math Spectacular including description extras reviews and purchase links
The Wing Wing Brothers Math Spectacular ~ In comic book–style panels Long augments a circus routine—performed by five bugeyed ducks punnily dubbed the Wing Wing Brothers—with simple math lessons Act one which involves
The Wing Wing Brothers Math Spectacular Readers for Life ~ The Wing Wing Brothers act out these math concepts in funny and silly ways with pies in faces and “magic” disappearing closets The brothers begin their performance with spinning plates on sticks comparing numbers as they increase in number and eventually crash to the floor of the stage
The Wing Wing Brothers Math Spectacular review ~ The Wing Wing Brothers Math Spectacular review Article in Bulletin of the Center for Children s Books 6613233 · January 2012 with 4 Reads
The Wing Wing Brothers Math Spectacular by Ethan Long ~ The Wing Wing Brothers Math Spectacular by Ethan Long Author · Ethan Long Illustrator ebook Sign up to save your library With an OverDrive account you can save your favorite libraries for ataglance information about availability Find out more about OverDrive accounts
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