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Date : 2010-06-01
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Reads or Downloads The Grand Mosque of Paris: A Story of How Muslims Rescued Jews During the Holocaust Now
The Grand Mosque of Paris A Story of How Muslims Rescued ~ The Grand Mosque of Paris A Story of How Muslims Rescued Jews During the Holocaust Karen Gray Ruelle Deborah Durland Desaix on FREE shipping on qualifying offers When the Nazis occupied Paris no Jew was safe from arrest and deportation Few Parisians were willing to risk their own lives to help
The Grand Mosque of Paris A Story of How Muslims Rescued ~ The Grand Mosque of Paris A Story of How Muslims Rescued Jews During the Holocaust by Karen Gray Ruelle is the story of how the mosque and its rector Si Kaddout Benghabrit helped Jews Allied soldiers POWs and others escape the Nazis into North Africa
The Grand Mosque of Paris A Story of How Muslims Rescued ~ Yet during that perilous time many Jews found refuge in an unlikely place—the sprawling complex of the Grand Mosque of Paris Not just a place of worship but a community center this hive of activity was an ideal temporary hiding place for escaped prisoners of war and Jews of all ages especially children
The Grand Mosque of Paris a Story of How Muslims Rescued ~ Illustrated story from the Nazi occupation of Paris during World War II when Jews and their families found refuge in the Grand Mosque of Paris complex where they were protected along with escaped prisoners of war and other groups under persecution or pursuit including children Type of Resource
How a Paris Mosque Sheltered Jews in the Holocaust The ~ “Les Hommes Libres” “Free Men” is a tale of courage not found in French textbooks According to the story Si Kaddour Benghabrit the founder and rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris provided refuge and certificates of Muslim identity to a small number of Jews to allow them to evade arrest and deportation
Project MUSE The Grand Mosque of Paris A Story of How ~ The Grand Mosque of Paris built in 1926 was a community center as well as a place of worship Any Muslim could find the help they needed in the mosque and from 19401944 many Jews found refuge there as well The bulk of the narrative takes snippets of biographical tales of Jews who at some point
The Grand Mosque of Paris A Story of How Muslims Rescued ~ The Grand Mosque of Paris A Story of How Muslims Rescued Jews during the Holocaust by Karen Gray Ruelle and Deborah Durland DeDaix The Grand Mosque of Paris is a little known but important story just like the The Cigarette Sellers of Three Crosses Square was a book about people helping others in a time of great peril
The Great Mosque of Paris that saved Jews during the ~ The Great Mosque of Paris That Saved Jews During the Holocaust Focusing on the tale of Algerianborn Jewish singer Salim Halali a new French film looks at the littleknown and hard to confirm efforts of the rector of the Great Mosque of Paris to save Jews during World War II
review of the grand mosque of paris Beliefnet ~ Karen Gray Ruelle and Deborah Durland DeSaix retell this story in the picture book The Grand Mosque of Paris A Story of How Muslims Rescued Jews During the Holocaust It is a story of
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