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Date : 2001-04-01
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Rabbit rabbit rabbit Wikipedia ~ Rabbit rabbit rabbit is a superstition found in Britain and North America wherein a person says or repeats the words rabbit rabbits andor white rabbits aloud upon waking on the first day of a month to ensure good luck for the rest of it
Rabbits Habits Diet Other Facts Live Science ~ Small rabbits such as pygmy rabbits can be as little as 8 inches 20 centimeters in length and weigh less than a pound
rabbit Facts Pets Britannica ~ Frequently the terms rabbit and hare are used interchangeably a practice that can cause confusion Jackrabbits for instance are actually hares whereas the rockhares and the hispid hare are rabbits Rabbits differ from hares in size life history and preferred habitat In general rabbits are smaller and have shorter ears than hares
Why People Say Rabbit Rabbit on the First Day of the Month ~ I have been saying “Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit” on the first of the month since my college days when a friend introduced me to the tradition or oddity if you will It has since been validated by a few coworkers who share the habit I also find photos or illustrations of rabbits in threes of course to share on my Facebook page
Do Rabbits Make Good Pets Petfinder ~ RABBITPROOFING A rabbit’s teeth grow continuously throughout her life and many rabbits are prodigious chewers You can “rabbitproof” an indoor exercise area by covering or making inaccessible all electrical wires house plants and anything else your rabbit is likely to chew
Rabbit Advice Tips and Health Information RSPCA ~ Rabbits are highly social Rabbits are territorial animals and form complicated social structures Find out more about appropriate company for rabbits Rabbits have an unusual digestive system Food is passed through their gut and special droppings called caecotrophs are produced Rabbits eat these caecotrophs allowing the food to be reingested
Rabbit Wikipedia ~ Rabbit rabbit rabbit is one variant of an apotropaic or talismanic superstition that involves saying or repeating the word rabbit or rabbits or white rabbits or some combination thereof out loud upon waking on the first day of each month because doing so will ensure good fortune for the duration of that month
rabbits the intelligent loving and often misunderstood pet ~ rrabbits is an open community where users can learn share cute pictures or ask questions about rabbits Please note we are a pet rabbit subreddit that discourages breeding and encourages rescue
Rabbits For Sale Find Local Rabbit Breeders ~ 2 Check our Rabbit Classifieds page Our Rabbit Classifieds page includes 30day listings for rabbits for sale and rabbits wanted 3 Look for a rabbit at your local feed store or pet shop Even if they have no rabbits at the time they might have a lead on a reputable rabbit breeder in your town
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